Women of Squaw Alpine Ski Patrol Calendar Party

Saturday night a wide spectrum of the greater Tahoe community came together to help launch the very first Womens Ski Patrol Calendar for Squaw and ALpine Meadows. Braving one of the first winter storms of the season, everyone who came celebrated with these amazing women. Seven of the all star cast featured in the calendar were present signing autographs. In addition, everyone crowded into gallery three to see a brief slide show and presentation by Keoki Flagg, Lynn Gibson from Gallery Keoki, Tom Feiten from Squaw Valley and the Patrollers.

Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin




Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, RobinTaylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin

Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, RobinTaylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin Taylor, Crystal, Lel Tone, Robin

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