Crazy Beautiful day in Tahoe… nothing like a simple brush with nature to remind you where you live.
I had to run home yesterday at 3 pm to grab a lens out of my house. As I was opening the door I heard a noise and then walked in to find a big old mama bear standing in the doorway of my guest bedroom . I jumped back only to hear a second whimper from a beautiful cub in the kitchen. The fridge was opening and he was feasting….
Need-less-to-say we were all a bit startled. I took another step back giving the anxious cub room to scoot by and join mom. A second later they exited out the bedroom window leaving the screen torn on the ground. A took stock feeling touched and lucky that nothing else appeared broken and began cleaning up. A muffled sound from my bedroom got my attention and opened the door to find another cub sitting on my waterbed!
AH if only I had had my camera ready… Blaming the bear for the mess in my room was the ultimate excuse. Time to run, he screamed leaped for the window and destroyed a second screen on his way out.
Alive, unharmed and moved I have been reflecting on how incredible it is to be human in this natural world we call home. My heart is still beating hard…